Dr. Florian Egli

Florian Egli

Clausiusstrasse 37
Room CLD C 11
CH-8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 632 58 27

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Florian Egli is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor and head of the group Public Policy for the Green Transition at the external page Technical University of Munich (TUM). He completed his PhD at the Energy and Technology Policy Group and worked there as a Senior Researcher and Lecturer. He was also an Honorary Research Fellow with Prof. Mariana Mazzucato at the external page Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) at UCL.

Florian’s work won several awards, such as the ETH medal for outstanding doctoral theses, the best dissertation award from the external page Swiss Association of Energy Economics (SAEE), the University of St. Gallen Impact Award and the Financial Times Best Academic Research with Societal Impact Award.

He is a co-founder and the co-president of external page Expedition Zukunft, an inaugural member and former speaker of the board of the external page Swiss Young Academy and a regular contributor on external page Monocle M24.

Selected publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Books & Book chapters

Policy reports

Agutu, C., Egli, F., Steffen, B., Schmidt, T.S. (2022) De-risking off-grid electrification finance and fostering standalone system deployment policies are key to achieving SDG7. COP27 Policy Brief Seriesexternal page download file

Schmidt, T. S., Đukan, M., Egli, F., Steffen, B. (2022). Eingabe zur Vernehmlassung zur Umsetzung der Änderung vom 1. Oktober 2021 des EnG auf Verordnungsstufe und weitere Änderungen der Energieverordnung, der Energieeffizienzverordnung, der Energieförderungsverordnung und der Stromversorgungsverordnung mit Inkrafttreten Anfang 2023. EPG & CFP Policy BriefDownload download file (PDF, 293 KB)

Schmidt, T. S., Egli, F., Pahle, M., Polzin, F., Steffen, B. (2020). Finance for Decarbonisation: Financing the European low-carbon energy transition requires strong, consistent policies and low interest rates. Innopaths Policy BriefDownload download file (PDF, 706 KB)

Egli, F., Steffen, B., Schmidt, T. S. (2019). Learning in the financial sector is essential for reducing renewable energy costs. Nature Energy Policy BriefDownload download file (PDF, 727 KB)

Other publications

Egli, F. (2020). The role of finance in mitigating climate change: Insights for public policy. ETH Research Collection (Dissertation). ETH Zurich, https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/handle/20.500.11850/424913.
ETH medal for outstanding dissertation

Egli, F., Steffen, B. & Schmidt, T.S. (2020). Cost of capital for renewable energy – the role of industry experience and future potentials. In Green Banking (ed. Böttcher, J.). De Gruyter: Berlin, Germany, external page https://www.degruyter.com/view/book/9783110607888/10.1515/9783110607888-012.xml.

Steffen, B., Egli, F. & Schmidt, T.S. (2020). The role of public banks in catalysing private renewable energy finance. In Renewable Energy Finance (ed. Donovan, C.). World Scientific Publishing: Singapore, external page https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9781786348609_0009.

Egli, F. (2020). State Investment Bank: An effective tool to finance sustainability?. In Financing the low-carbon economy transition – mapping innovative instruments. Swiss Sustainable Finance: Geneva, Switzerland, external page available online.

Hofstetter, D. & Egli, F. (2020). Transformation Capital – A Systemic Investment Logic. In Financing the low-carbon economy transition – mapping innovative instruments. Swiss Sustainable Finance: Geneva, Switzerland, external page available online.

Balthasar, F., Cantalou, J., Egli, F. (2020). Forschung – Innovationskraft und Vollassoziierung an EU-Forschungsprogramm sichern. In Der bilaterale Weg: Wie weiter mit dem überholten Betriebssystem? (eds. Farman, D., Vogel, F.). foraus Policy Brief, external page available online.

Egli, F., Steffen, B., Schmidt, T.S. (2019). Learning in the financial sector is essential for reducing renewable energy costs. Policy Brief, Nature Energy, 4, 835–836. external page https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-019-0482-3

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